
Shiva has a very light user implementation. The idea of users is not to keep a complex profile of a person, but to serve as an authentication mechanism.

A user consists of:

  • E-mail.
  • Password.
  • An ‘is_public’ flag.
  • An ‘is_active’ flag.
  • An ‘is_admin’ flag.
  • A creation date.

User creation

Issue a POST request to the /users resource. Note the the GET method will only list those users whose is_public attribute is set to True.

curl -d ""


Authentication is done against the /users/login endpoint. You will receive a token that, if the ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_ACCESS setting is set to False (which by default it is), has to be included with every request for as long as it’s valid. Once it is no longer valid you will get a 401 Unauthorized and will have to re-authenticate.

curl -d "" -d "password=s3cr37"

It will return something like:

    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsImV4cCI6MTQxMTUwNDczMywiaWF0IjoxNDExNTAzMjkzfQ.eyJwayI6MX0.7vNzVWGr-gJX7qygFJKM5x6dCVZapKTSsI2IzwYggLY"

You then need to include that token with your every request:


Role-based Access Control

The concept of Roles is very limited in Shiva. There are 3 possible roles:

  • User
  • Admin
  • Shiva

The first 2 are assigned to users, the last one is only used by other Shiva instances to communicate with each other. Please note that this functionality is not yet implemented.

To create a normal user (i.e. either User or Admin roles) use the command shiva-admin user add.

A role-authentication failure will result in a 401 Forbidden status code.